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RWSSP-WN Phase II Documents


Completion Report


RWSSP-WN Phase II Completion Report, 24.3.2020



Project Documents


This Project Document and its Annexes were approved in June 2014 after the 1st Steering Committee meeting. Its supporting Volume II has not been changed from the original.


RWSSP-WN II Project Document Vol 1 Main text final 10.06.2014

RWSSP-WN II Project Document Vol 2 Background papers 28.03.2013

RWSSP-WN II Project Document Annexes final 10.06.2014


Mid-term Evaluation


Mid -Term Evaluation of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal, Phase II (RWSSP-WN II), was conducted during January – April 2016. The report concludes that "Overall, the project has achieved the interim targets and is likely to achieve most of the end results and objectives – including the overall objective. The project has successfully involved its target population in designing, planning, implementing and monitoring on project activities."


Mid -Term Evaluation of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal, Phase II (RWSSP-WN II)


Brochure & Briefs


This brochure is a general introduction into RWSSP-WN II.


RWSSP-WN II Brochure Final_2014

RWSSP-WN II Thematic leaflets


The RWSSP-WN Briefs present research findings and such as progress reports as six-pages. See the relevant pages:


RWSSP-WN Briefs 2016

RWSSP-WN Briefs 2017

RWSSP-WN Briefs 2018

RWSSP-WN Briefs 2019


Inception Report


RWSSP-WN II Inception Report Final 10.06.2014


The Inception Report of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Completion Phase (RWSSP-WN II) provides a road map for the entire five years project period, and a brief progress report for the inception period (16/09/201318/04/2014). This report is not a stand-alone document but rather, is supported by a range of relevant documents.


District’s Inception Workshop Reports


RWSSP-WN II Inception Workshop District-wise Reports 24.03.2014


The District Inception Workshops were organized at the onset of RWSSP-WN Completion Phase (Phase II) in nine districts. The purpose was to get Projects on the right track from the beginning, with a target of 100% coverage in both drinking water supply and sanitation, as well as ensuring sustainable practices and full functionality, building on the first-hand experience of the immediate stakeholders in each unique district. This report includes the outcomes from nine districts.


Baseline Report 


This baseline report describes the¬ situation at the beginning of Phase II of the project. The report is meant to serve as a reference point against which the project progress and achievements can be monitored and measured. Data for the baseline has been compiled from secondary and primary sources to cover the project indicators. The primary data was collected in March and April 2014.


Baseline Report 2014


Progress Reports


The progress of the project is reported bi-annually. The annual reporting schedule is based on the Government of Nepal Fiscal Year closing in mid-July. The project progress is measured against the objectives stated in the project document and annual work plans.


Annual Progress Report FY 01 (Vol I Main report) (15.9.2013-15.7.2014)

Annual Progress Report FY 01 (Vol II Districts) (15.9.2013-15.7.2014)

Semi-Annual Progress Report FY02 (16.7.2014-14.1.2015)

Annual Progress Report FY02 (Vol I Main report) (16.7.2014-16.7.2015)

Annual Progress Report FY02 (Vol II Districts) (16.7.2014-16.7.2015)

Semi-Annual Progress Report FY03 (17.7.2015-14.1.2016)

Annual Progress Report FY03 (Vol I Main report) (16.7.2015-16.7.2016)

Annual Progress Report FY03 (Vol II Districts) (16.7.2015-16.7.2016)

Semi-Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-13.1.2017)

Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Arghakhanchi Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Baglung Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Gulmi Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Kapilvastu Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Myagdi Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Pyuthan Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Rolpa Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Rupandehi Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Syangja Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Tanahun Annual Progress Report FY04 (17.7.2016-15.7.2017)

Semi-Annual Progress Report FY05 (16.7.2017-14.1.2018)

Annual Progress Report FY05 (16.7.2017-16.7.2018)

Semi-Annual Progress Report FY06 (17.7.2018-14.1.2019).


Memorandums of Understanding


Memorandum of Understanding between each rural municipality (Gaunpalika) and municipality (Nagarpalika) and the Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR) have been signed in July/August 2017 for the implementation of RWSSP-WN II through the municipalities' funds. The following types of MOUs have been signed:


MoU Programme Municipality (English)

MoU Support Municipality (English)

MoU with District Coordination Committee for the Technical Support Unit (English)


MoU Programme Municipality (Nepali)

MoU Support Municipality (Nepali)

MoU with District Coordination Committee for the Technical Support Unit (Nepali)


Note that the following are not valid anymore, but are left here for the reference:


Memorandum of Understanding between each District Development Committee (DDC), and Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR) were signed in 2014 to agree the main principles of District WASH sector implementation of RWSSP-WN Phase II in each district:


MoU DDC-DoLIDAR 03.04.2014 English - Non-core districts

MoU DDC-DoLIDAR Nepali - Applies to all core districts 21.02.2014

MoU DDC-DoLIDAR 24.02.2014 English


Memorandum of Understanding between DoLIDAR and Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Users’ Nepal, National Executive Committee (FEDWASUN) describes the general principles and terms of the collaboration between the Parties. The collaboration has the overall objective to ensure sustainability of the developed water supply schemes by supporting Water Users Committees in networking and Capacity Building with different district level stakeholders for technical, financial and other supports to WUSCs.


MoU DoLIDAR and FEDWASUN 03.06.2014


HRBA & GESI STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN: Operationalizing Human Rights Based Approach and Gender Equality & Social Inclusion Principles in the Water Sector


This strategy is developed to guide two bi-lateral rural water projects in Nepal: Rural Village Water Resources Management Project Phase II (RVWRMP II) and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Completion Phase (RWSSP-WN II). It shows both strategic and operational direction for both projects on how to operationalize these principles in water sector and hence, support Nepal to implement the right to safe drinking water and sanitation. This is also a position paper for the two projects on how the cross-cutting themes of the Finnish Development policy, namely gender equality and reduction of inequality, as well as the human rights based approach are translated into practice.


HRBA & GESI Strategy - RVWRMP and RWSSP-WN_17.06.2015


RWSSP-WN Phase II Guidelines


Human Resources Management Guideline for (Rural Municipality/Municipality) WASH Unit and Technical Support Unit, 2074. Merges two earlier documents: Support Persons Selection and Mobilisation Guidelines and Capacity Building Manual. This document was approved by the Supervisory Board 15.9.2017.


Human Resources Management Guideline for (Rural Municipality/Municipality) WASH Unit and Technical Support Unit, 2074, (Nepali)


Human Resources Management Guideline for (Rural Municipality/Municipality) WASH Unit and Technical Support Unit, 2074, (English)


Water Safety Plan++


These guidelines were prepared to instruct Water Users and Sanitation Committees (WUSC) and Water Safety Plan (WSP) facilitators in the preparation and implementation of WSPs, including providing training on these practices. The WSP indicates the various activities that need to be performed to maintain safe supply and safe quality drinking water, from catchment to mouth. In addition we have integrated the Operation & Maintenance Plan (O&M) with the water tariff calculations into the same plan.


Water Safety Planning Guideline for Gravity Schemes with Integrated Operation & Maintenance Plan and Water Tariff Calculation. Updated in March 2018: English and Nepali.

Earlier versions:  (English) 07.05.2015, (Nepali) 08.05.2015


Water Safety Planning Guideline for Lift Schemes with Integrated Operation & Maintenance Plan and Water Tariff Calculation. Updated in March 2018: English and Nepali.

Earlier versions: (English) 27.07.2015, (Nepali) 05.08.2015


Water Safety Planning Guideline for Overhead Schemes with Integrated Operation & Maintenance Plan and Water Tariff Calculation.  Updated in March 2018: English and Nepali.
Earlier versions: (English) 27.07.2015, (Nepali) 05.08.2015


WASH Implementation Guidelines for RWSSP-WN II


WASH Implementation Guidelines was approved by the 7th Supervisory Board Meeting (8 Oct 2015) of RWSSP-WN II for implementing WASH activities under the project in all working districts. District Development Committees (DDCs) were following these Guidelines and its supporting documents while implementing RWSSP-WN II. These are now replaced by Human Resources Management Guideline for (Rural Municipality/Municipality) WASH Unit and Technical Support Unit, 2074, but the following are left here for the reference:


RWSSP-WN II WASH Implementation Guidelines (English)

RWSSP-WN II WASH Implementation Guidelines (Nepali)


VDC Post-ODF Guideline and Model Plan


The VDC Post-ODF Plan supports sustaining the Open Defecation Free (ODF) status and achieving the total sanitation in line with the National Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan 2011. RWSSP-WN II developed this guideline and model plan to inspire its VDC WASH Coordination Committees in moving ahead after having declared ODF.  


RWSSP-WN II VDC Post-ODF Guideline and Model Plan (English)

RWSSP-WN II VDC Post-ODF Guideline and Model Plan (Nepali)


Post-Contruction Guidelines


The Post-Construction Guidelines comprise the activities and their working modality to be carried out during the post-construction phase of drinking water supply schemes. The Guidelines include post-construction activities at district, VDC and scheme level thus creating synergies between the different levels and promoting the enabling environment creation for the post-construction activities in district and VDC levels.


RWSSP-WN II Post-Construction Guidelines (English)


Step-by-Step Manual for Sustainable Water Supply Services


The Step-By-Step approach guides multiple stakeholders through the planning, implementation and post-construction phases. It builds the capacity and sense of ownership in communities to ensure future sustainability. Each step is monitored to ensure that the necessary training events have been done, the quality of works, that gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) concerns have been integrated appropriately, and to establish principles of good governance such as participation, transparency and accountability.


RWSSP-WN II Step By Step Manual Updated English 09.07.2018

RWSSP-WN II Step By Step Manual Nepali 10.01.2018

RWSSP-WN II Step By Step Chart Updated Nepali 09.07.2018

RWSSP-WN II Step By Step Chart Updated English 09.07.2018


Monitoring formats


RWSSP-WN II WS scheme monitoring formats English_29.12.2017

RWSSP-WN II WS scheme monitoring formats Nepali 29.12.2017

Public & Institutional toilets monitoring format English 26.06.2015 

Recharge pond monitoring format English 22.07.2015 


District Strategic WASH Plan (DSWASHP) Guideline


DSWASHP is a plan of the district, which provides the strategic tool and guidelines for the DDC in general and District WASH Coordination Committee (D-WASH-CC) in particular to plan in an effective, equitable, efficient, balanced and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services at the local level. DSWASHP is in line with the spirit of National Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan 2011. These guidelines are a work in progress. While these are no more done, the documents remain relevant for baseline, and the following is left here for the reference:


DSWASHP Guideline with formats_27.02.2015


Village WASH Plan  (V-WASH Plan) Guideline


Village WASH Plan preparation follows the spirit of the Nepal National Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan. It brings in the good practices and lessons learned of VDC Water Use Master Plans (WUMPs) as practiced over the past years by Rural Village Water Resources Management Project (RVWRMP)V-WASH Plan Guideline supports preparing inclusive and comprehensive VDC-wide plans for water supply, sanitation and hygiene. The holistic and integrated planning pays attention to all clusters of each ward. Issues related to water safety, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation are incorporated. There are separate guidelines for preparing new VWASH Plans and for updating the existing ones.

While these are no more done, the documents remain relevant for baseline, and the following is left here for the reference:


V-WASH Plan Guideline English 16.2.2015

V-WASH Plan Guidelines Nepali 17.3.2015

V-WASH Plan Updating Guidelines Nepali Hill 09.2014

V-WASH plan updating guidelines_Nepali Terai 09.2014


Water and Sanitation Users' Committee Operational Manual


Water and Sanitation Users Committees Operatinal Manual clarifies the roles and responsibilities of each stakehodler and member. It outlines some of the prevailing rules and regulations, and recommends good practices. This manual should help each WUSC to establish itself as a sustainable institution that can ensure water services also in the future.


WUSC Operational Manual 14.1.2015


Solar Lift Manual (Nepali only) 16.12.2015


Village Maintenance Workers Manual (Nepali only)


​Nepal-Finland Cooperation


Site updated 12.11.2024

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