Cross-cutting themes in RWSSP-WN II
Water and sanitation involve fundamental aspects of everyday life, and in turn influence and are shaped by the way people live in many other aspects of their lives. As a result, cross-cutting objectives are relevant to all the work we do: capacity development, gender equality & social inclusion (GESI), human rights-based approach (HRBA), climate change adaptation & disaster risk reduction, good governance, green economy and continued research, development and deployment (RD&D) are vital for the acceptance, fairness and sustainability of the project activities.
Cross-cutting objectives are mainstreamed throughout the project, but are also delivered through specific activities where needed. These themes are supported with strategies and action plans, and training is given to staff and beneficiaries to ensure they are clearly understood and applied in our work. Where appropriate, we also observe the guidelines of the Nepali and Finnish governments, and other national and international bodies. We are addressing these themes throughout our project documents, approaches, guidelines and related monitoring, see Publications for more.
Human Rights Based Approach and Gender Equality & Social Inclusion
These principles are translated into action primarily through the document "HRBA & GESI Strategy & Action Plan - Operationalizing Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality & Social Inclusion (GESI) Principles in the Water and Sanitation Sector". Disability is a significant barrier to accessing adequate water and sanitation. Relatively small adjustments to water and sanitation services improve the dignity, health, and overall quality of life of those already disadvantaged.
Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Climate change is a key concern for all water projects, and therefore forms a strategic area RWSSP-WN II. Any WASH programme should include climate change impact mitigation measures such as water source selection and dry season flow measurement for water supply systems and continue the promotion of recharge ponds and Water Safety Plans that address watershed issues.
Participation and Capacity Development
Green Economy
Participation and continuous capacity development are at the core of everything RWSSP-WN II undertakes. Participatory approaches are applied at all stages, from approach development to planning to implementation to monitoring & evaluation. Participation is critical for the improvement of local capacity, as well as ensuring the uptake and success of programs themselves. District Strategic WASH Plans and local government boundaries-wide VDC-WASH Plans remain relevant planning document.
A Green Economy is an economy that results in improved human well-being and reduced inequalities over the long term, while not exposing future generations to significant environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In order to ensure equality and sustainability of resources, a green economy must addresses water issues. RWSSP-WN II as a water project contributes in a number of ways towards a green economy.