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Result 3: Institutional Capacity


The expected Result 3 is "Strengthened institutional capacity of government bodies to plan, coordinate, support and monitor the Water Users and Sanitation Committees (WUSCs) and other community groups in the implementation, operation and maintenance of domestic water, sanitation and hygiene programmes in a self-sustainable manner".


Nepal has recently gone through big changes in its governmental structure. As a result, RWSSP-WN II transferred its focus from the districts to the municipality level establishing 55 Municipality WASH Units to lead the WASH development in their corresponding areas. The Project supports these units both financially and technically. We believe that operational municipalities that support local communities in water and sanitation management are the prerequisite for sustainable WASH services.


What was earlier a Village Development Committee, is now a Ward within a Municipality. Yet, the plans as described below remain valid local planning documents:


  • The Village Development Committee (VDC) WASH Plan identifies the existing use of water resources in the VDC and makes an integrated water use plan using rational, equitable and sustainable procedures

  • District Strategic WASH Plans still identify the hardship wards (ex-VDCs) and hence, draw attention to the unserved.

Village Development Committee WASH Plans
District Strategic WASH Plans 

The Village Development Committee (VDC) WASH Plan identifies the existing use of water resources in the VDC and makes an integrated water use plan using rational, equitable and sustainable procedure. It also identifies methods to achieve Total Behavioural Change in hygiene and sanitation in the VDC. Issues related to water safety, disaster risk reduction and climate change are also incorporated in the plan.

WASH Coordination Committees

The National Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan sets the Terms of Reference for both the District WASH Coordination Committees (D-WASH-CC) and the VDC WASH Coordination Committees (V-WASH-CC). The National Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan (2011) is used as the reference point to measure the success and level of activeness of both D-WASH-CCs and V-WASH-CCs.


As of 2018, the central level task forces are working on the revised set of Total Sanitation sanitation indicators. Also the Municipality WASH Corodination Committees Terms of Reference need to be added.

The District Strategic WASH Plan (DSWASHP) is a strategic tool for the district. It guides the District in general and the District WASH Coordination Committee (D-WASH-CC) in particular in planning effective, equitable, efficient, balanced and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services at the local level.

Municipality WASH Units and Technical Support Units

RWSSP-WN II is fully embedded in the local government structures of Nepal. At the Municipality level, the project is implemented through the Municipality WASH Units. These units follow the decisions of the Municipality WASH Management Committees.



Technical Support Units provide technical support to communities and municipalities in their respective areas.


​Nepal-Finland Cooperation


Site updated 12.11.2024

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