Photo: Bima, Myagdi district

Photo: Kyakmi, Syangja district

Photo: Sekham, Syangja

Photo: Bima, Myagdi district
RWSSP-WN is closed. This web-site will not be updated anymore but remains available for learning & sharing.
RWSSP-WN Phase II Completion Report
Research Briefs Issue 1: Theme Sanitation & Hygiene
Research Briefs Issue 2: Theme Menstruation
Research Briefs Issue 3: Theme Functionality
Research Briefs Issue 4: Theme CCA/DRR
RWSSP-WN Brief 3-2019 RWSSP-WN Thinking Equal, Building Smart, Innovating for Change #WomensDay2019 #BalanceforBetter #IWD201 #WomensDay
RWSSP-WN II supported Harinas Rural Municipality, Syangja to take a new approach into local government wide WASH Planning. Click here for
Brief 1-2019 for the Municipality WASH Plan Case Harinas
Click here for the full Harinas Municipality WASH Plan
Rural Village Water Resources Management Project (RVWRMP) with the similar working modality at Sudurpaschim and Karnali Provinces.
What was RWSSP-WN II?
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II (RWSSP-WN II) was a bilateral development cooperation project funded by the governments of Nepal and Finland. The Technical Assistance was provided by FCG Finnish Consulting Group.
We strengthened the capacity of the local governments in 14 districts and 85 Municipalities (Gaunpalikas and Nagarpalikas) to deliver services in water supply, sanitation and hygiene. All activities were implemented by the local governments (municipalities, both gaunpalikas and nagarpalikas) and users groups.
During its final year the Project supported the WASH sector development and implementation in 50 (rural) municipalities in 10 districts of Nepal: Baglung, Myagdi, Parbat, Syangja and Tanahun of Gandaki Province and Arghakhanchi, Gulmi, Kapilvastu, Pyuthan and Rolpa of Province number 5.
RWSSP-WN II Vision & Mission
​Our vision was that no one practices open defecation and that everyone has access to hygienic living environment and safe water supply. This was almost achieved with only a few wards remaining to declare ODF in Kapilvastu. The progress with 'Total Sanitation' was several times better than originally expected.
Our mission was to support local governments to develop their water services and sanitation status, moving towards access to all. We succeeded in this: the Municipality WASH Units did remarkable progress within a very short period of time.
Working and channeling funds through the local governments and the Water Users and Sanitation Committees (WUSC) we had a strong capacity building approach that provides number of opportunities for learning-by-doing and skill development. We succeeded in this, with more than expected water supply schemes completed by the communities.